Best Yoga Poses For Golfers

With the Phoenix Open coming up, what better time to talk about yoga for golfers? Whether your goal is to shoot under par, or you’re looking to improve your swing, we’ve got you covered with our top four poses. These poses help you build strength and stability to prepare you for your best round yet! (psst, we’ve included our favorite cool down poses, too).

Sticking to a routine with the poses below, will allow you to gain and improve strength, stability, mobility, and power. Naturally improving your overall golf performance. 

  1. Wrist stretch! Starting simple, extend your arm in front of you, palm towards your face allowing your fingers to face down. Place your thumb inside your palm while you allow the fingers to press the top of your hand making sure to switch sides.

  2. Downward Dog. Firmly pressing the ground away, allowing a gentle bend in the knees. Aim for 5-7 breaths. Benefits include stretching your calves, shoulders, and side body while lengthening out your spine.

  3. Low lunge. Warming up your thighs, hips, and groins for ultimate hip rotation while swinging!

  4. Full boat or half boat pose. Building core strength and becoming one with the breath allows you to practice focus and concertration.

Post golf game, cool down with the following poses!

  1. Supine twist. Lying on your back, bringing your knees across your body while you gaze over your opposite arm.

  2. Pigeon pose. Providing space for the hips to open bring one shin forward as you extend the opposite leg towards the back of the mat. Allow yourself to fold over your shin, resting on your forearms

  3. Sphinx pose. Lying on your belly, rest on your forearms while squeezing your shoulder blades together as you pull your shoulders back and down.


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